2009. október 29., csütörtök

Mo' money, mo' fun...

Dear owner of my local supermarket,

You are probably really happy to have me as your custormer. Here are some simple rules to keep me as a customer:
- Please add everything I buy to my bill
- Please send an invoice once a month at the end of the month for everything I buy
- I will pay every invoice after 60 days
- I will start counting those days at the end of the month in which you send the invoice
- I will pay on my payment date, which happens to be the 15th of every month (don't complain, it could be the 30th!)
- I decide what I pay for your products
- If I buy the same product twice I will pay only half for the second product
- If I buy a lot I decide what reduction you will give
- Please also give me an extra reduction because it's a crisis
- I only pay on PayPal

I hope you know how lucky you are that I am still your customer!
Don't expect me to thank you, you probably know how many supermarkets there are and some of them are a lot cheaper than you! I will let you know if I think of any other rules in the future to keep our cooperation as perfect as possible!
Kind regards,
Your customer

How To Treat Your Local Supermarket by Wilmer Brouwer

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